超抵優惠 Exclusive Discount
Enjoy 50%+ off discounted prices with us.
為何選用我們 Why Eat100?

環保貢獻 Sustainability Contribution
Make a positive impact on the environment by buying our surprise bags.
發掘新餐廳 Restaurant Discovery
Expand your foodie horizons and uncover hidden gems.
使用方法 How To Use

搜索餐廳 Discover Delicious Possibilities
Choose your preferred district and browse our extensive selection of restaurants
準備領取 Ready To Pick-up
After payment, go to the store at scheduled time and pick up your surprise bag.
訂單完成 Order Completed
Unveil the surprise bag and enjoy your meal.
用戶評價 Testimonials
"個App好方便,成個下單流程唔使3分鐘就完成,唔使諗食咩,平平地就可以試到新野,仲可以減少浪費" - User 用戶
"Amazing app! Love the surprise bag concept for discounted surplus food. It's like a treasure hunt every time. Easy to use, great variety, and incredible savings. Helping reduce food waste while enjoying delicious surprises. I highly recommend it!✨" - User 用戶
"對餐廳嚟講絕對係一個相當有用嘅app, 我地喺加入咗嘅呢一個月入面,唔單止成功減少食物浪費,仲令更多人認識我地嘅餐廳,增加咗11%嘅收入,成個流程好簡單,勁方便!👍🏼" - Business Owner 商戶
"It's a game-changer and outstanding app for restaurants. Selling surplus food in surprise bags at discounted prices is genius. We've reduced food waste and increased revenue by 10% on average. User-friendly interface, seamless experience, and a win-win solution for sustainability and profitability. Highly recommended!" - Business Owner 商戶
支持機構 Supporting Organizations

*Eat 100 is incubated by HK Tech 300 of City University of Hong Kong and HKSTP

關於我們 About Us
Eat 100 是一個手機應用程式,用半價或更低的價錢把餐廳當天未賣出的食物以神秘禮包的形式供客人購買。我們的使命是讓100%的食物都不會被浪費。餐廳可以把當天未賣完的食物放在Eat100上售賣,以優惠價錢供客人選購。餐廳不但可以減少需棄置的食材,同時客人亦能用優惠價錢享用食物。Eat 100 由香港城市大學 Tech 300 及 香港科技園培育。
Eat 100 is a mobile app that sells surplus food at lower than 50% of the original prices in the format of surprise bag. Our mission is to eliminate food waste and make sure that every meal counts. To do so, we connect restaurants that have excess and unsold food to people in need with steep discount prices. Eat 100 is incubated by HK Tech 300 of City University of Hong Kong and HKSTP.